Ministry Track
A pathway for ministry training
These programs are available to anyone looking to take their next step in ministry. Whether you are beginning your ministry training journey, or you are ready to go deeper, the TR Institute is a place to explore, confirm, and develop the calling God has given you. To apply for an institute program, click the appropriate link below. For more information or questions, email us at
Explore is a semester long “tour” of Thomas Road ministries. Participants will observe different ministry areas including Groups, NextGen, Connect, Care, Worship and Missions. This program is designed for those who are exploring their calling and looking to see all that Thomas Road has to offer.
A ministry and leadership training program designed to holistically develop students as they look towards future ministry. Apprentices lead in a specific ministry area, receive biweekly coaching from a Thomas Road staff member, and participate in leadership training throughout each semester.
An intensive, year-long program offering ministry experience, leadership development, and spiritual growth. Residents are paid staff members responsible for essential ministry operations and programming in a specific department. Residents receive weekly coaching and ministry training.
Thomas Road Baptist Church © 2022