Fullfilling the Great Commission by taking the Gospel of Jesus Christ from Lynchburg to the World

Short-Term Trips
We believe in the importance of preaching and teaching the Great Commission, we equally believe that to catch a passion for the world you need to be exposed to the world. The saying, “Missions is far more caught than taught” is very true. Short-term trips are valuable because they provide an avenue for churches, people, and missionary teams to partner together in the advancement of the gospel to the ends of the earth. Join us as we do our part to complete the mission.

Our partnering missionaries are taking the Light of the Gospel to the nations and being the hands & feet to those around the world by giving of themselves to serve others.

If you are looking for an opportunity to share your faith, start by serving your community. We love that you want to get involve and share Christ’s love to your community! See the list of opportunities and local organizations you can partner with below!

Disaster Relief
Thomas Road stands “READY” at a moment’s notice to go wherever called upon in times of great need. Our desire is to be used by God to meet the physical and spiritual needs and bring “HOPE” to those found in the most difficult of situations. Our vision is to have teams with the ability to serve locally, statewide, and nationally. We are equipped to work both independently and in partnership with other relief organizations.